There are a lot of ways you can get your name out there when you own a business. Advertising is something that you have to have or you may not get very far. Though there are always people that may walk into your business as they walk by, most customers are going to find you because they saw advertising of some sort that led them to think you may have something to offer them. You can spend big bucks on television, radio, and even billboards, but there are smaller and more inexpensive ways to get your name out there. Think about getting some advertising ink pens.
You have seen advertising ink pens before, and you probably have a few in your home, your purse, in your car, or even thrown into a pen cup or basket in your home. You can get these pens in many businesses, which should tell you should tell you something about them. These are something that have been used for a very long time with a great deal of results, which makes them common, even now that you have so many different and more high tech ways to reach people. The simple pen with your business name and a short message and phone number printed on them can still do the job.
One thing that most people need when they go into a store, bank, or restaurant is a pen. This is something that we may have with us, but most of the time we don't. Instead, we have to ask someone to use one. This is when the business hands you a pen with their business logo on it and tell you that you can keep it. You may just take one on your own. The next time you need what they offer, you may very well remember you have their number on advertising ink pens somewhere in your purse or office, and they are the first people that you call.
Advertising ink pens can be given out many places other than in your establishment. You could come up with a deal with a few other businesses to swap pens with them. They can leave some of yours in their store and you can then leave some of theirs in yours. You obviously don't want to do this with competition, but it can be good with others that would love to help you and themselves with this type of arrangement. It will be mutually beneficial.
Put a little thought into advertising ink pens before you have them printed. You want them to be simple yet effective. That means the name of your business, a logo (if you have one), a phone number, web address, and an abbreviated address if you can find the room. This should be all that you need. If your business name does not have what you do it it, you may want to add a tag line so that people know. Get a quality ink pen that will work for a while and won't explode in someone's purse or pocket. That would most definitely be counter-productive.
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