Monday, December 20, 2010

After getting pregnant, it's high time you get into superior health mode!

While most health professionals recommend that pregnant women start a strict health regime before becoming pregnant, that's not always possible. You may not have thought you would become pregnant, but there you are. Just as soon as that test comes back positive, it's high time you get serious about your health in every respect. From good sleeping patterns, to lifestyle changes, to optimum nutrition and regular exercise, your work's cut out for you! Your baby is depending on you! Here we've got a few pointers on how to get your state of health in top shape after getting pregnant.

Let's begin with getting that beauty sleep. After getting pregnant, it's no longer just a question of looking and feeling your best, it's now also an essential aspect of your baby's health. While we usually refer to a regular sleep schedule as 'beauty' sleep, after getting pregnant, you need to take a fresh perspective on just what regular sleep does for your body. During sleep, your body rebuilds new tissue, allows you that much needed relaxation and helps you de-stress from the rigors of everyday life. Baby feels the benefits!

Now, here we come to any lifestyle changes you may want to make: if you smoke or drink alcohol, now's definitely the time to quit! Ask your pediatrician for advice on how best to kick the smoking habit. Abstain from alcohol - it's well known that consumption of alcoholic beverages can lead to a number of pregnancy complications. As for 'recreational' drugs, that's definitely out! Take stock of your lifestyle and any 'vices'. Get rid of them. Your baby will thank you for the rest of his or her lifetime.

After getting pregnant, you'll want a good book on nutrition and pregnancy. Go to your local book shop or online vendor. There are dozens of excellent books on the subject. Look for one that details the benefits of each and every nutrient you consume. Believe me, it will be an eye-opener! Perhaps more than any other single step you can take after getting pregnant, this will be most valuable. A good book on pregnancy nutrition will cover all the issues of good health during pregnancy and serve as the inspiration you most need now!

After getting pregnant, be sure to discuss an appropriate exercise program with your pediatrician. Each woman and pregnancy is unique. Follow your doctor's advice! Report benefits, as well as any problems you may encounter with that regimen, promptly.

So, there you have the basics. Of course, your pediatrician is your best advisor. Run this basic list of after getting pregnant do's and don'ts by your doc. Your baby is depending on you! Happy Baby to you!

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